Guestbook section


Guestbook filled by _Petra Steinmetz am 10.30.2017; 13:28:29 h

A wonderful experience

I feel truly grateful for the remarkable alignment session which I had with Peter Manns at the "Begegnungzentrum Neumühle" in Tünsdorf, Germany, yesterday. Peter is very knowledgeable and a clear channel who is helping people on many levels with his work!
My spine was curved and twisted. The length difference of my legs was "only" less than a cm, but both legs had the same length immedeately after the session and my spine was completely straight! I am stil deeply impressed with the changes in my body and everything else going on. The future seems to look even brighter, now and I am looking forward to it.

Thanks a million again, dear Peter! You are doing a wonderful job!

Wishing you all the best and hope to see you again very soon,


Guestbook filled by _P. R. Clark am 08.08.2017; 09:15:00 h

the remarkable experience I had personally two weeks ago at the DAS and FCW work

First, please allow me to thank you for the remarkable experience I had personally two weeks ago at the DAS and FCW workshops. I have no words to describe my experience. Let it suffice that my life, both personally and professionally, has changed.
Interestingly, I had a brief, yet intense alcohol relapse over the past weekend which included stupid behavior and a fall which cut my leg severely. I tried not to "think" it out, and instead just kept doing my assignment of gathering family photos, honoring and loving all those before me. I recovered from the binge, have no huge desire to drink and feel much more grounded. I was a bit surprised this happened since the entire week after our weekend was so incredible. I am just taking it one day at a time and not thinking about it too much. And smiling with love each time I gaze at the photos. It fills me with lightness to do this.
On a professional note I realize I know next to nothing about FC. On an intellectual level. But my intuition kept shouting at me this week with a couple of my clients. Recognizing that I have very limited skills I still acted on my intuition. A lady I saw today has had a belief that she has something medically wrong w her. She doesn't. Has had every medical work up possible. I then asked her about her childhood. She said her mother had cancer during her entire childhood. She didn't have a childhood. The mother survived. But to this day my patient is the mother, not the child. I knew instantaneously by intuition that she herself could never be well until the order and entanglement was fixed. So I said to myself, what the heck, I won't cause her harm so go for it. I did two very brief interventions with her. I taught her about honoring her mother (and all her ancestors) for her life. And I had her stand, and using a stained glass window hanging of the velveteen rabbit, I had her tell her mother that she loved her so much that she was giving her mother back her health issues and that she (my patient) would just focus on her own issues that belonged to her. My patient sobbed. I didn't let her talk it out, or think about it much but instead said speak from your heart. Holy shit Peter the transformation was remarkable. I told her it was what FC work is like, but that I had no training. But gave her info of where she can get more expert help. She came to me for medication, left w none and I referred her back to her therapist with offer to meet w her again. I gave her the same assignment you gave me, to honor her parents daily.
This Liberty I took in doing this w her caused me worry that I overstepped my bounds, or it was arrogant in some way. But help was offered, received well and she left way better than when she arrived. It came from some deep part of me. And I felt honored and humbled to have been a conduit for her improvement.
I don't plan on dabbling w FC work w my clients until I get trained, but this just shouted at me to do it.
I have signed up to go get FC training in Toronto. It is where I will start. Close to home and affordable for now. I will see where that leads me. I may save for a trip to Germany. Or at least attend a FC w u on your next US trip.
So, thank you Peter. I hope to meet again and learn all I can from you.
P. R. Clark
Nurse Practitioner

Guestbook filled by _Kristen B. am 01.05.2017; 21:49:13 h

A heightened sense of being and awareness

Hi Peter,

I didn't feel it at first and was a bit confused as to why you did the Divine Alignment Shifts with my mom and I. I get it now!! Totally get it!!
The past year I was in a horrible relationship that almost broke me, lost 2 animals one 15 and the other 18 years of age, and my mom got very very sick we almost lost her.
I know things now about people and their lives I can't explain it. It's a heightened sense of being and awareness. I was afraid of these gifts before. I am ready to welcome the now.
Thank you for the energetic DAS push I needed and the life long strong connection with my mother. Many, many thank you's!! Oh and happy new year to you and yours


Guestbook filled by _Elisabeth Frith am 09.14.2016; 11:20:23 h

Divine Providence

This testimony has taken a while to complete and that has been my deliberate intention. For the main part because the Shift, did not stop after the initial meeting with Peter Manns, or after the workshop and it was certainly much felt during the FCW workshop which came the day after. (More about that later)
To begin with, it was by Divine Providence that I attended the workshop at all. It was secondly a miracle which blew me away when my partner Steve wanted to join me. He is (or rather was) the doubt to my faith. Yet there we were flying in the Charlotte, and no possible idea of what this would entail. I had never heard of Peter or the Divine Alignment Shift...I only knew about it at all because I looked my friend's FB page for the first time in about a year, and there it was advertised. DAS and the date.
My mind had no memory of this word DAS to recollect, yet My Body went immediately to look up where and where I could attend one of Peter's workshops. It was found to be Charlotte and I immediately booked flights and within 4 days we were there. I had been back in the US for one week.
I won't go into the technicalities of the evening's Workshop and Shift as there are other testimonies and You Tube visuals that will give brilliant details of this amazing Shift. It is the Profound and long lasting effect upon my Mind, Body and Spirit that I need to be author to. I have NEVER, in over 30 years as a psychologist and therapist, teacher,reiki master, light worker,medium, counsellor, reconnective practitioner,....I have NEVER, experienced anything like the Divine Alignment Shift.. Which is why I have taken a while to write this testament. At some level, I have been waiting for the pain in my 4th and 5th Lumbar Verterbrae to come back. It has not returned.
Perhaps (my mind thought) this would just work on the physical level, after all I am used to energetic shifts. But this is a ONCE in a lifetime shift my intuition kept whispering. And indeed it did work on the physical level, and after 6 years I am pain free. But this is much much more than the physical alignment, this is a Divine Alignment. Four weeks on the constant nagging pain has gone.
What about the other levels of my being? Mentally,there were so many "epiphanies" that it was just as my verterbrae have clicked into place, my hips straightened out, my shoulders in alignment, my legs now equal in length., my spinal column straightened (ALL of which is documented and can still be measured today).; So it is with my thinking patterns,habitual perceptions have radically altered or disappeared. My physical senses, sight, hearing, taste, smell, all are enhanced.
Emotionally, I was a wreck when I arrived in Charlotte. Grief stricken over the loss of both my parents, deaths of three beloved animals,2 family members, estrangement from my brother and neice, my job, status, friends, almost everything I had loved and thought loved me, it seemed had Gone from me in the last 3 years. Having worked hard (after surgeries and treatment for cancer) to get myself back into some form of physical and emotional well being and begin a new career (as a yoga teacher), the rug, it seemed had once again been pulled from under me. What the hell was I going to do? I felt, used, useless and uninterested in life any more. Grief and loss it seemed had the better of me this time.
That me, the one who went to Charlotte, on an emotional level began to heal and heal fast because the Elisheva (Lizzie to my friends) who is writing to you today is a very different person. The Divine Alignment Shift began a process, carried on the next day in the FCW workshop and it has changed me, for the Good, forever. Not only has the depression gone, it has healed Divinely my crippled inner child. Restored my self-esteem, renewed my faith in Divine Order, re-established hope for humanity within me. There are so many ways in which my emotional self is healed it is being written in the form of stories.
That is another aspect of the powerful shift. My Soul and heart are now creating my Life. There are events and circumstances now unfolding that i never dreamed would happen to me. My Gifts as a Healer,Teacher and Spiritual medium have become enhanced, accelerated; Creatively I am more productive that I have been for 3 years. My life has meaning, direction, purpose. I am meeting like minded souls, I am being asked to teach, heal give readings,. My ideas for writing are being utilised, I am moving again. The dark days are gone. Some thing in me was Shifted. I am grateful to God for Peter Manns and his amazing and miraculous gifts.
Rumi says, that the Light enters our Wounds, well there must have been a million watt Light that Peter's DAS entered my wounds, for there were many. I will be grateful to Peter for the rest of my Life, for he shone that Light into the darkest recess of my Soul and restored my will to live.
Thankyou Peter, I Honour you and bow to you as my teacher, I am deeply deeply grateful to you ; My Soul is restored and there is no Price on the value of that.
With my deepest affection and infinite blessings to you always, your friend., Lizzie xx
(Elisabeth Frith..UK and US)
Transformational Energy Teacher
Rahanni Celestial Healer
Spiritual Medium
Soul Reader/Guide
Light Body Awakening

Guestbook filled by _Carole Autry am 09.13.2016; 09:50:02 h

DAS Testimony

There are moments in life when you realize you have had a profound experience and your life will never be the same. The realization may not even come to you until several months later. Your reality has changed and a new awareness has revealed itself to you. This is what occurred for me after experiencing DAS (Divine Alignment Shift).
Although the Alignment of the Spine which happens on the physical level can relieve years of pain and restriction, the flow of divine energy connecting you with your God source becomes significant. This allows for new discoveries on a personal and spiritual level, new experiences, and a new outlook on your place and purpose in the world. To summarize the outcome of my experience, I would say that my life has become an adventure rather than a responsibility. I am enjoying an expansion of personal freedom not previously known and feeling joy for no reason (or for every reason depending on how you look at it).
Although the DAS of the Spine is transferred only one time, I have attended several events to witness the sessions. This has reinforced my experience and given me a deeper spiritual connection by being part of the process and receiving the divine energy that is flowing.
Along with the Divine Alignment Shift, it was very beneficial to continue the journey of healing and self-discovery with the Family Constellation Workshop. I am now able to better understand my personal history and the influence it has had on my life with a new perspective. Making peace with the past brings peace and acceptance to present time.
Peter is a gifted facilitator sharing a subtle but miraculous experience with patience and compassion; bringing those in attendance to a new awareness, understanding, and appreciation for themselves and others. Don’t deny yourself the opportunity to participate in this transformational process!
To just say thank you would use such a common phrase to express gratitude for such an uncommon experience – so I will say thank you multiplied by infinity!
Carole Autry

Guestbook filled by _BeverLi Joi am 05.27.2016; 00:17:06 h

After my DAS - Upon standing I realized I could walk unassisted without a limp

I was grateful to have Peter say yes to presenting DAS at our center. Having had a hip replaced 5 months ago and loving the comfort of movement once again, I was disappointingly left with a significant leg length difference of 2 cm. Orthotic shoes with a lift made it possible to walk without a limp. Since that was due to the hardware in my hip and leg, I did not even have the intention of re-mediating that issue. But I was interested in my scoliosis , the issue I felt caused the problem with my hip in the first place.

While resting on the massage table I could feel my body recalibrating at subtle levels. When he checked me and told me of the .2 cm difference in my legs instead of 2 cm I was thrilled. Upon standing I realized I could walk unassisted without a limp. The Real Aha hit me when I got on my knees. (I could always tip toe to be 'even', but being on my knees was very difficult). Both my knees were on the floor and I was balanced! And my spine is straight.

I am continuing to use a tiny lift on my orthotics to remain absolutely balanced, but I am able now to walk comfortably barefoot outside. That is what I missed the most. And I am open to even more shift as I integrate this new energy of honoring who I am and how I came to be here.

I am eager to have Peter come back. The class will be much larger next time since I now have first-hand experience of the results of clearing.
BeverLi Joi
FB BeverLi At Spirals

Guestbook filled by _Tamara Caulder Richardson am 05.02.2016; 22:42:22 h

My heart is overjoyed with gratitude for the miracle I received

Dear Peter,

Thank you for my Divine Alignment Shift (DAS) “before and after” pictures from the Thursday, April 28, 2016 @ 10:30pm - DAS event miracle in Charlotte, North Carolina.

Since birth, my spine was 42% off in my hips through my mid-back where it torched around like a twisted roller coaster, and 24% off in my neck area where my head literally shifted to the left and then forward to counteract my misaligned spine below. There was not a day I did not have pain or not sleep with an ice pack on my low back and also under my neck. The one thing I could not stand to do was to look at my own x-rays, which resembled “the elephant man” spine deformity. It always made me seem so weak, venerable and hopeless as person when gazing upon my x-rays.

My whole life, I have been to chiropractors a regular basis. Spending hours and thousands of dollars on just trying to keep me out of pain and trying to prevent my spine from getting worse. Five years ago, I even went to a specialist team of five chiropractors in Rock Hill, SC, and they said after my spinal assessment that they don’t understand, “why I am not in a wheelchair” and there was not much they could do for me. They said my only hope was to try to not let it get worse.

My current chiropractor has been kind enough to spend time with me trying to Aleve my pain, I suppose out of pity and kindness. However, God wanted him to see this miracle in my spine ‘cause he wants to shift him into a new area of healing people and what is possible. I went to him Monday, May 2, 2016, to NOT get an adjustment but to show him God’s miracle that was done to my spine this Thursday! He was shocked and amazed. This miracle has now changed his life.
I thank you for deciding to be a vessel for God’s miracle in your spinal ministry. As for my personal experience, Peter’s (and God’s) miracle adjustment was done instantly that night, with no pain. However my muscles are still sore that surround the spine, which is a small price to pay for recovering from a lifelong disfigurement.

At the event last Thursday 15 people attended and 15 people had miracle spine adjustments. ALL were fixed with a blink of a God’s eye and Peter’s loving guidance! I saw with my own eyes the “before and after” measurements and the miracles of all the attendees that spines were aligned perfectly, in an instant. My human mind cannot even comprehend this! However, my heart is overjoyed with gratitude for the miracle I received that night and also for the other miracles as well!

After this amazing life-changing miracle on Thursday, God spoke to me Sunday night. I have only heard the voice of God twice. Once I heard the voice of God at 3.5 yrs old when a nail went through my head playing as a child, and God said to me, “It is not your time. You have much to do!”. Then second time was Sunday, May 1, 2016 at 5:05am that said in a deep vibrating, commanding voice that woke me, “NOW, GO MOVE MOUTAINS”.

I still must need to learn what all that means. I know, “to much is given, much is expected”. I accept and I am at peace with that. I also looked up the time, 5:05 angel number, and it says, “it is about accepting change with a new mind, my own freedom and spiritual journey in union with Universal wisdom and God’s plan“. Well, that pretty much so says where I am spiritually now. I was completely ready for this miracle to happen! In exchange, I am ready to also be God’s vessel for miracles He will produce through me this lifetime.

From the deepest part of my soul I cannot thank you Peter, and God enough. God spoke to my heart and told me to be at Peter’s spinal healing event, and HE was right! I am in such a state of bliss that I am loved so much from the Creator, and cannot wait to tell everyone I meet about this miracle. Matter of fact, I was a speaker for a Mind, Body, Spirit conference in Charlotte, NC this Saturday, and I told all my students about Peter’s DAS ministry and my own personal Divine spine alignment and healing. They want to know more and were fascinated to hear my testimonial of God’s Divine alignment on my own spine!

This amazing miracle did so much more than realign my spine but give me as a soul being the inner knowing that I am not alone, I am loved, I do count greatly to God and am part of His big Universal plan, and that He does have something very special for me to do in this life!

This time with Peter really had an effect on my own spirit and I personally feel so much closer to God. I also love and want to help people more! It also gave me a deeper understanding of “faith” in things I cannot see but know in my own heart to be true and good, and where my place is in all of God’s creation.

Thank you, thank you, thank you Peter! May God’s blessings be with you always dear friend!

Tamara Caulder Richardson
Charlotte, North Carolina

Tamara Caulder Richardson
a.k.a. Southern Belle Medium
Evidential Psychic Medium / Spiritual Teacher

• Individual Life Path/Medium Readings
• Group Psychic Medium Readings
• Live Stage Demonstrations
• Radio, TV & Public Appearances

Phone 980-272-8763

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Guestbook filled by _Sheryll Razzy Schoolfield am 04.15.2016; 23:05:46 h

moved mountains

You are magic ... You have moved mountains ....changed consciousness beyond consciousness..... You are a wayshower and are showing the world the way.......and I love you ... Your soul siStar , Razzyyyyyyy

Guestbook filled by _Brigitte Ehlenz am 03.16.2016; 20:57:05 h

Fehlstellungen sind alle, wie mit Zauberhand, behoben

Mein Mann und ich haben Peter Anfang 2015 kennen gelernt. Er hat uns geholfen, bei persönlichen sowie Eheproblemen. Am 09.01.2016 hat Peter bei uns und unserer Tochter eine Aufrichtung gemacht. Unsere Tochter ist 11 Jahre alt und hatte sehr viele körperliche Fehlstellungen, die jetzt alle behoben sind.
Ich hatte seit einem Autounfall in meiner Jugend einen Beinlängenunterschied. Auch litt ich vor der Aufrichtung unter Rückenschmerzen. Beide Beschwerden, sowie zahlreiche Fehlstellungen sind alle, wie mit Zauberhand, behoben worden. Seit dem Tag fühle ich mich Gott näher!!

Vielen Dank Peter

S. Ehlenz

Guestbook filled by _Stefan Ehlenz am 03.16.2016; 20:26:19 h

Aufrichtung - meine Mitte neu gefunden

Vor gut einem Jahr wurde Peter mir empfohlen, um eine spirituelle Reinigung unseres Hauses durch zu führen. Peter kam sofort und hat uns sehr geholfen! Wir hatten des weiteren noch einige Termine mit Peter, bei denen er uns sehr geholfen hat. Daraus entwickelte sich nach und nach eine Freundschaft, ich würde sogar sagen, eine sehr gute Freundschaft!!! Am 9. Januar 2016 führte Peter bei meiner Frau, meiner Tochter und mir eine Aufrichtung durch, durch die sich für uns einiges änderte. Im nachfolgenden möchte ich meine Erfahrungen und körperliche und seeliche Änderungen schildern. Vor der Aufrichtung hatte ich sehr stark ausgeprägte Spreiz-Knickfüße (Plattfüße), und fast andauernde starke Rückenschmerzen. Sofort nach der Aufrichtung spürte ich zum Teil starke Veränderungen! Als ich aufstand, fühlte es sich an, als würde ich in der Hand Gottes stehen, ich merkte sofort, daß meine Füße anders standen und ich einen viel sichereren Stand habe. Es fühlt sich an, als habe ich meine Mitte neu gefunden. Vorher mußte ich mich oft abstützen beim Stehen, jetzt nicht mehr, ich habe jetzt einen sehr sicheren festen Stand und fühle mich VIEL besser und ich habe KEINE Plattfüße mehr. Die Rückenschmerzen sind jetzt zwar nicht ganz weg, aber erheblich besser geworden. Seit der Aufrichtung habe ich 3 kg Gewicht abgenommen, und ich hoffe, daß das noch so weiter geht, da ich sehr übergewichtig bin. Es kommt mir so vor, als ob ich seit der Aufrichtung, näher zu Gott gekommen bin, und er sich meiner annahm, und mir geholfen hat. Ich habe in meinem Freundeskreis darüber berichtet, und ein paar meiner Freunde denken mitlerweile auch darüber nach sich durch Peter aufrichten zu lassen. Für mich ist Peter ein Engel, den ich sehr schätze, und es freut mich, in Peter einen Freund gefunden zu haben.

Danke Peter! Danke Gott!

Stefan E.

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