Guestbook section

Guestbook filled by _C.C. Vancouver am 10.25.2013; 13:00:43 h

Quantum physics

My 14yo son's description: "An evening of quantum physics, the divine and source." Thanks, Peter!

Guestbook filled by _M.G. am 10.25.2013; 11:59:12 h

Thank you!

What a relief I feel! I feel so peaceful and light!
You are a very special person and I am very grateful to have had the opportunity to meet you and expeience your work. I will let my friends know about you.

Guestbook filled by _Ben am 10.24.2013; 16:42:33 h

Radio Interview

Peter, I just got to listen to your interview. Great interview, I learned a lot. Good job!

Guestbook filled by _Caroline am 10.24.2013; 16:40:01 h

Good experience

An experience that will fill your heart with divine love and give you all you need!

Guestbook filled by _T. San Francisco am 10.23.2013; 14:02:32 h


Webster Dictionary Definition of ineffable:
Too great, powerful, beautiful, etc. to be described or expressed; incapable of being expressed in words.

Peter, all I can say is thank you. You make miracles seem ordinary. I am forever changed and blessed by your work. My healing and the healings I was so blessed to have witnessed are divinely ineffable. THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH!!!!

Guestbook filled by _Patricia L. am 08.09.2013; 10:00:33 h

Not wearing my crutches

Peter Querido: I am not wearing my crutches since the day of my DAS in May! I am experiencing the flow of the divine, and i am very grateful to you for my session,,,, Gracias!

Guestbook filled by _nickysohr873 am 07.23.2013; 20:46:11 h

More joy in my life

On May 31, I had a DAS session with Peter Manns. Peter is entirely unassuming and has a face that is always warmly smiling. I felt at ease and had no expectations. During the session, I remember having surges of hopefulness that life will get better for me and my family. Since the session, I have been an observer to my life. There have been challenges and there have been surprising blessings. I am authentic and less apologetic. I am accepting and even sometimes celebrating my dominant traits - traits that, in the past, I worked hard to hide or change. I am seeing a way forward and I definitely have more joy in my life.

Guestbook filled by _NataliHOTYQ am 07.23.2013; 02:08:10 h

My opinion

Peter is an amazing healer.
M. P.

Guestbook filled by _orvqshvo am 07.21.2013; 20:38:33 h

Fantastic Divine Alignment Shift

I wanted to be sure and post how fantastic Peter and his Divine Alignment Shift is! He came to visit Greater Seattle area last month and the experience was fantastic. I seriously felt my leg lengthen while he was talking to me. Give it a try. Blessings! I learned the power of Love, Forgiveness and a Kiss......


Guestbook filled by _rethaelcock050 am 07.19.2013; 17:50:56 h

Living in the Light!

Dear Peter, love the Divine Alignment Shift, love the Magic Presence cards and looking forward to your next Austin visit. I want to hear more of your teachings! Great Blessings! Great Love! Living in the Light!


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