Guestbook section

Guestbook filled by _NekCoemoenemi am 06.25.2013; 03:18:19 h


Hello Peter,

Thank you so very much for coming to San Antonio and working with me (and all my resistance). I wanted to let you know what has transpired in the 4 days since experiencing the DAS and 'unwinding' of the (internal prison) sentence (major self-judgment for misuse of power) I had imposed upon myself coming into this incarnation - and its relegation to the physical body 5 yrs. ago. When I got off the table I realized I'd consigned the punishment to the physical in order to relieve the mental & emotional bodies from the stress of participating in the penance… so that I could continue facilitating the Light work. And so, in the last 5 yrs. I've been clearer & more stable emotionally & mentally than at any other time in this life; and I've been more sick & in greater pain than I could ever imagine. The 'unwinding' of that inner condemnation feels a lot like being released from a dungeon, so much energy is freed up. AND, I am more aware each moment how the disguises of Misuse of Power operate: control through intimidation, manipulation, half-truths, expectations, superiority…the list goes on. So there's all that - and I am honoring myself for having required the patterns & all their ensuing experiences. Thank you.

Monday I got down on my hands & knees AND back up without hanging onto anything. 5 yrs. since that was possible. Wednesday I climbed a substantial flight of stairs and came back down unassisted. First time for that in nearly 3 yrs. I'm walking across uneven surfaces without pain. Drove more that 20 minutes without that excruciating right leg pain setting in. Turned over in bed without having to wake up and plan it out. My life is so much more available to me…I continue to be amazed & grateful.

A couple of questions: are you familiar with Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov & Peter Deunov? I once studied with someone connected with those teachings and felt that energy around you. Do you ever work in Spain? I have a couple of friends there I'd like to send your way.

I am so happy relieved grateful that I called you in. Thank you for coming. May the space you hold for others return to you tenfold.


L. De.

Guestbook filled by _neorsbrep am 06.24.2013; 15:01:16 h

DAS in Vancouver

Thank you for coming to Vancouver and bringing your gift to us. I am very grateful for taking more out if it than just alignment. Ii had the chance to see and feel a demonstration of love. I look fwd to bringing my loved ones next time you visit. xx


Guestbook filled by _VIABSBEMI am 06.24.2013; 13:35:01 h

In a blink of an eye...

Hello to everyone who has considered and who has yet to consider a Divine Alignment Shift with Peter Manns. I first heard of Peter and his gift from the Divine when he attended one of our HCC meetings a while back. I was interested and unfamiliar with what this was all about. In HCC there are so many things that I have not heard of that it is hard to decide which ones you should try and which ones you should do no matter what it takes. I talked to Karen for a further explanation. I knew that it would help physically from what Karen was telling me. However, I did not really have any physical pain due to my spine being out of alignment. I did not realize that as life progresses all of us have spines that need to be aligned regardless of the pain. However, this is not what convinced me to meet with Peter and partake. Karen said that is aligns you not only physically but in many different ways. I did not really understand the vastness of that statement until I met with Peter on December 21st. I went in there and initially I was in my left brain which is never good when you are expecting a transformation of some kind which is exactly what I was hoping for. I had been going through a time of despair and hopelessness. I needed direction on how to clear out the obstacles that I had placed in my path that had kept me from discovering and using my spiritual gifts. Peter seemed like an ordinary sort of person. I wasn't feeling anything from him spiritually while he was talking to us as a group and preparing us for our alignment. I was somewhat open minded and as my observations as a witness. I saw first hand shoulder and hips out of alignment by 2 to 3 centimeters and crooked spines on the other participants. After the measurements were taken the person lied down on table and more measurements were taken revealing how one leg was significantly longer than the other. I soon realized that this is true for everyone that i witnessed including myself. This is when I saw Peter's gift in action. It wasn't a matter of twisting and contorting our bodies so as to manipulate them like my chiropractor had for so many years. He merely walked from the end of the massage table to the head of the table and barely even touched the person. in a blink of an eye and i mean that literally, the divine alignment of the spine was completed. From my observation of others and myself it was either completely aligned as in my case or almost completely aligned and soon to be in a short amount of time after that. I did not expect my shoulders and hips to be 3 centimeters out of alignment but they were. You would think that having your hips and shoulders and spine in perfect alignment after a moment of time would be the thing that affected me the most. However, this for me was not my moment of profound transformation. After Peter came to the head of the massage table, he asked me like he did everyone else to look into his eyes. At first, I felt extremely uncomfortable. I wanted to look away but I couldn't. As I stared into Peter's eyes, i knew that I was communicating with higher powers from up above. I knew and felt with my entire body that Peter was the vessel for communicating what i needed to hear to heal and to be transformed mentally, emotionally and most importantly spiritually. Peter would deliver a message and then he walked off and minutes later returned again and again with more heavenly messages for me. I learned something very special that I had not heard before. Peter looked into my soul and told me that I was the gateway for Mother Mary and the light of Christ. After Peter came back to himself, I asked him what that meant. He said that I was one of Mother Mary's favorites and that she as well as the light of Christ used me to communicate and transform lifes here on earth. I knew this to be true after he said this. In my experience in doing my spiritual life coaching, i had felt the power of their presence as I communicated and help transform my clients lifes. This power was palpable and miraculous and I am so glad to know specifically that it is coming from Mother Mary and the light of Christ. Thank you so much Peter for being ready so as to be chosen to do this very special work from Heavenly Father. I am sure you are one of his favorites. May his blessings and love and gratitude be upon you and your family forever.

C. M.

Guestbook filled by _XxSwOIfyUn am 06.19.2013; 04:13:05 h

Connecting with a pure soul

This weekend was spent connecting with a pure soul who has the gift and ability to change the lives of people and their physical bodies. Thank you, Peter L. Manns, for sharing your abilities with me, my friends, their friends and my family. Today, my mother is able to look up for the first time in 15 years without having to brace the back of her neck with her hand!


Guestbook filled by _diomConifoowl am 06.17.2013; 23:26:59 h

3 centimeter difference in my hip//blades/legs

This is for everybody here. I am a friend of Lia's and I've had this energy work by Peter when he was here in San Antonio last February. I am a normal person with a normal life and I just want to share my experience with you in case you are wondering what this is and what it's not. I saw this done with two people in front of a small group for a local television station. One of the people was a personal friend of mine. Your witness takes measurements of the difference between your shoulders blades, your hips, and the length of your legs. You spine is examine for any problems and your witness (in this case it was everyone in the room) can touch and write down the measurements themselves. In both cases, the people having it done went from about a centimeter difference in blades/hips/legs to 0 difference. We all saw it a measured for ourselves.
I was very curious about this because of 2 reasons: 1. I had scoliosis as a teenager and had spinal fusion surgery with rods. It didn't fix the problem completely. I have on shoulder blade that sticks out and I went from an 80 degree curve before surgery to about 15 degree. I wondered if this energy work would help me and 2. I was an all time energy low. Everything felt wrong to me. I was going through a tough time emotionally and even though I was aware of the problems, I didn't know how to fix them and I knew I needed help. Soo I decided to have the work performed. What could it hurt?
A friend of mine was my witness and also had the work preformed. She didn't have the back issues I have, but she major depression due to the death of a loved one.
I had a 3 centimeter difference in my hip//blades/legs. That's quite a lot! Afterward I was down to 1 centimeter. It wasn't perfect but that in itself is amazing and the curve was reduced, not completely straight but straighter.
But Peter is not a Chiropractor and that's not what I want to talk about because the emotional impact was even more invaluable that the physical alignment. It's sort of like a energetic reset button. It's not going to "fix" your problems, you will still have to work through issues you may have. But what I can tell you is this: It is much easier to see the answer to problems. Instead of wallowing in pain now, it's immediately clear on what I need to do and even more so I have the emotional courage to do what I need to do no matter how hard it is. The alignment cleared everything out and things where I thought "i can't because of xyz and the past", it was all just gone. My friend had a similar experience. Things are not perfect but the alignment gave us tools to go forward.
The experience was great. I think if you are intrigued by this , you are in the right place in your life to try it. I think it's going to be a very different personal experience for everyone. I have seen a lot of emotional healing with not only myself but four other people I know personally ....and we are ordinary like you.

Guestbook filled by _onlianron am 06.17.2013; 12:58:27 h

Very peaceful

I want to share my experience with the "Divine Alignment Shift." I had a session with Peter Manns on February 22, 2012 in San Antonio, TX. It was a wonderful and unique experience. I was told some years ago by a specialist that my legs did not have the same length. After the alignment my legs have the same length and my back is straight. During the session, I could feel the energy flowing through my body and wrapping me at the same time. I felt very peaceful as I felt a connection with God. I felt my heart opening. I could also see light coming in and out of my body. I am so glad that I had this session. Thanks Peter Manns for this wonderful experience.

Yo tuve una sesión con Peter Manns el 22 de febrero del 2012 en San Antonio, TX. Fue una experiencia única y maravillosa. Un especialista me dijo hace algún tiempo que mis piernas no median lo mismo. Después de la Alineacion Divina, mis piernas miden lo mismo y mi espalda esta derecha. Durante la sesión pude sentir como la energía corría por mi cuerpo y al mismo tiempo me envolvía. Senti mucha paz así como también sentí una coneccion con Dios. Senti como me corazón se abría. También vi una luz que entraba y salía de mi cuerpo. Estoy muy agradecida por haber tenido esta sesión. Gracias Peter Manns por esta experiencia maravillosa.

Guestbook filled by _GRAILLANILK am 06.16.2013; 03:34:28 h

First skeptic, now Believer

I, Anna, had an Alignment on 03June12, in San Antonio, TX, it worked, and in my husband's words this evening, 'Peter has made a Believer out of this skeptic.'

Guestbook filled by _Ignistisp am 06.16.2013; 03:03:02 h


Last night Peter held sessions at my home office. A 85 yr. old woman came in favoring her right side and needing the use of a cane since she was hunched and off balance. After her Divine Alignment Shift she left my home without the use of her cane! AMAZING!!! Miracles are happening and they can happen for you!

Guestbook filled by _Ignistisp am 06.15.2013; 19:12:52 h

A whole two inches of alignment

I would like to share my experience I had with the “Divine Alignment Shift“ session I had last night with Peter. I had spinal fusion surgery when I was 14, so I have a lot of back issues, both physical issues and emotional issues attached to this. After seeing the work performed on two people, I became extremely curious because many synchronistic events had happened during the weeks leading up to meeting Peter that just boggle my mind and it seemed like it was something I should do. I don’t want to tell you exactly what happened to me or what the process was because I think that is going to be personal and different for everyone, but I can tell you it was one of the most intense, happiest experiences I can ever remember. I did feel the energy shift within me and still feel the energy swirling around today. I had a 3 inch difference between the level of my shoulder blades, a 3 inch difference between the level of my hips. After the alignment, there was about a 1 inch difference between both shoulder blade and hip level .I have a witness that can attest to this. It wasn’t perfectly straight as I had seen with other people but this is amazing for me. A whole two inches of alignment. Peter explained that my spine could continue to align and gave me a visualization and exercise to do. But even better (if that’s possible) was the emotional gifts the experience gave to me. This is only the starting point and I am so excited to see how my life unfolds now. I feel so full of energy and excitement. If you want to make a change and your are OPEN to making a change in your life, I really encourage you to do this.

Guestbook filled by _Poemanego am 06.15.2013; 17:49:37 h

Miracles do happen

I had a session on November 7th 2012 with Peter and I must admit it was a truly miraculous experience. There were eight of us at Karen Streek Reins house, three of them small children. I watched Peter do his Divine Alignment Shift on all of them. Each one came off the the table straighter and with a totally aligned body.
I, myself had not been able to sleep flat on a bed for the past seven years since a car accident had damaged my neck and shoulders. I have slept in a chair or propped up in a bed with five pillows, waking constantly because a pillow had slipped away leaving me in a painful position. Wednesday night after my alignment, I slept in my bed on my side with just one pillow for my head. You have no idea what a thrill it was to sleep free of pain. I am also pain free and moving freely during the day, not constantly worrying about this or that activity hurting me as I participate in it. Miracles do happen folks and I am living proof of it. I am forever grateful to Peter and his gift.
With much Gratitude,

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