Guestbook section

Guestbook filled by _peinatvsa am 05.17.2013; 05:55:20 h

DAS It felt right

If you have not had a Divine Alignment Shift with Peter, I highly suggest you consider it. I had no idea why I was going except it felt right and I was open to whatever. Our spirit truly guides us when we listen and take action. How many blessings have you missed because you didn't follow the small whisper. I know I have. Today I'm much more aware of paying attention and acting just knowing whatever I need is happening in Divine order. You will know you are in the presence of Divine Love when you meet with Peter. He is gentle, kind, loving, funny all while speaking the truth in love. Give yourself a gift this Thanksgiving and Christmas season. I'm glad I gave to me first, now I have abundance of overflow to pour into others whom I love and count on me professionally.

Guestbook filled by _mqcrddkurh am 05.07.2013; 21:50:51 h

My heart feels lighter

I had my DAS on Thursday and I have to say my neck hasn't felt this good in years. But even more impressive is my heart feels lighter. Be careful when Peter looks into your eyes he also looks right into your heart, no secrets.

Guestbook filled by _Peter Manns for/für Pat W. am 05.07.2013; 20:54:37 h

Testimonial sent to us by Email

Gesendet: Donnerstag, 07. Juni 2012 um 23:36 Uhr
Von: "Pat W.
An: "Peter Manns"
Betreff: Re: DA&St. Pictures of today

Hi Peter and Thank you!!!
I was wishing there was a way of contacting you and found your email. I am so grateful for your ministry to me and my daughter. You opened something else up also. I think maybe it was the third eye. I have never been able to see pictures or colors like other people do, other than red. And I was thrilled when you said see the gold, and I saw red like I always do which kept getting lighter until it was orange and then lighter orange till it was yellow and then with the yellow I kept seeing spots of shiny gold. By then my body was wanting to move and I don't remember if their were other colors after that. It probably would have helped if I could have rested after you left, but I didn't get home until after 7 p.m. they kept doing tests. Last night when I went to bed, I couldn't go to sleep, because I was seeing all of these beautiful pictures in full technicolor. I was entralled, probably spelled wrong, but I was so thrilled to see beautiful trees, bushes covered with brillant colored flowers. I finally, after a couple of hours made myself quit looking and I slept today till noon.

I know you were meant to come into my life, at this time. My possibility is being fully awake and living the life God created me to live! Thank You for helping me to have a healthier body. If you would like to stay in communication with me, I would be grateful. Have a blessed day and keep healing the world!!!

God Bless You, Pat W.
Gesendet: Sonntag, 10. Juni 2012 02:23
Von: Pat W.
An: Peter Manns
Betreff: Re: Re: DA&St. Pictures of today

Hi Peter, I wish to share what is happening. I find, sitting in my chair, that both of my feet and knees are always together. This has never been before. I have been happy that I only wear slacks, because before I would have been flashing people. That is what my grandma always said to me as a little girl. "Close your legs, your showing your panties." I couldn't do it because it hurt me. Now at 77 years, young, it is natural. Thank You and God Bless You!!! Pat

Guestbook filled by _Tanya Thompson am 05.07.2013; 20:43:20 h

Divine Alignment Shift in Seattle

Dearest Friends & Family,
As most of you may know in January of this year, my Father peacefully passed away at home in the loving presence of family and his faithful dog. The experience leading up to that day was full of surprises in many ways, even though he struggled with diabetes for most of his adult life no one expected the quick turn of events as a result of a serious infection in his feet, kidney malfunction and a rare form of cancer. The personal transformation that took place for my father right before his passing was the biggest and most impactful part. I would like to share with you how my chance meeting with Peter Manns and the introduction of the new healing modality called Divine Alignment Shift (DAS) contributed to the pivotal experience that enabled my father to gain clarity in mind, body and spirit.

While I cared for my father in San Antonio during the four weeks prior to his death, I suffered from stress and back pain. At the hotel where I was staying, I met a beautiful massage therapist named Susan who was employed there and set up an appointment. During the massage she invited me to a wellness event she was participating in during the upcoming weekend. I thanked Susan for the information and told her if time permitted that weekend, I would really like to come in order to honor my health and try to integrate things I loved doing during this critical time. That evening when I returned to my room after visiting my father at the hospital, there was a flyer for the event under my door along with the kindest note from Susan telling me she really had a strong feeling for me to go to this wellness event!

The week carried on tending to my Father and when the weekend came, it actually worked out that my step mom could watch my Father during the time the Wellness event was being held, and she encouraged me to go. When I left I was so tired from everything that I almost just went to take a nap however, a voice said “NO..go”, so I did.

While there my attention kept on being pulled between Susan’s booth and the one at the corner. Something called me to investigate and experience the activity in that corner booth. As I walked over, a beautiful woman Karen was sharing her experiences with other interested people and explaining a little of what Peter her partner was doing regarding a healing modality called Divine Alignment Shift (DAS). I expressed to Karen that I wanted to experience a session, so we did, and was measured for leg length, hip and shoulder variances. As I laid on a massage table, Peter spoke a few words with me regarding how we are all one, our divine connection to God, love, uniqueness etc. Then he placed cards imprinted with Thank God on them around my body. The time that passed and words spoken were unclear as I felt like I was in an altered state while having psychic surgery performed. I felt a profound closeness to God and can follow that line of energy back to this day, like a golden cord never cut, resounding the truth of who I am. After I was complete, they re-measured my shoulders, hips, legs and without touch there was a correction of the spine and I had a profound awakening inside. I received Peter’s business card and paid for my service, having just the right amount in my wallet!

After spending the night in the hospital, knowing my Father may only have a short amount of time, I awoke to the feeling of a healing. I wanted to request directly through God a Divine Alignment Shift for my Father. I immediately tried to call Peter but only had his information in Germany so with the help of Susan, I was able to get in touch with Peter and he agreed to come to the hospital at the end of his appointments to visit my Father. Even in a state of sedation with limited speaking ability and low energy, my Father agreed to receive a healing from Peter. Peter spent about an hour with my Father, sharing all that he could.

That evening my Father was moved to ICU and was at the point where he might have passed drifting in and out of consciousness. I planned to take a break and come to the hospital later in the afternoon with my sister after picking her up from the airport. I received a text from one of my brothers who was at the hospital saying that my Father was speaking in full sentences and would not stop. Given his coma like state for a long period of time before my brother’s and mother’s arrival that morning, it was hard to believe. I was almost in denial that it could not be real. So, I went on with the day and went to fetch my sister at the airport bringing her to the hotel to drop her bags and then head to the hospital. As we were about to exit the car my Mother phoned and stated that we could not waste another second and that my Father was saying the most beautiful things and they were having the most amazing conversations, we had to come right away. So, we did. It was true my Father had a lot to express and with his family gathered around, he stated that he had received a healing, showing him his life and his purpose. He said that he could not believe that he ever questioned the existence of God; and went on to say he was shown and knew now we are solely here to love our family, friends and complete strangers; we were here to love and love ourselves. He was shown that through our acts, we do more for one another than one can comprehend through a job description. He wanted me to help him find the words to share with others and teach it for the rest of his life. He shared this message with everyone who crossed his path from that point forward and integrated the love and healing he experienced to the degree that each individually in his path was able to integrate it. He was truly a changed man from the inside out and had a purpose and a mission he wanted others to stand up to and partake in himself.

My Father was always viewed by others in a certain way, and this experience of him was so uncharacteristic and opposite of what people knew which is why they were able to believe in him and the power of his experience and that we are all connected. Words cannot completely express the immense healing that happened inside of my Father and the ripple affect which still takes place to this day. I was a true witness to his healing directly between him and God and what he was gifted to share before going home. I was left with deep gratitude and love.

After my return home to Seattle I was inspired to share the Divine Alignment Shift with those in the Puget Sound and asked Peter if he could come to Seattle. He agreed and again I was grateful. I want to extend an invitation…

Please join me in a session with Peter on Friday, May 31 through Sunday, June 2nd, 2013. Please let me know if you, a friend or family member would like to reserve a place to have a Divine Alignment Shift experience.

The difference with DAS is you only have one in your lifetime, and that is it, it is a healing that continues and stays with you throughout the rest of your life. I could never know the profound mysteries of the universe or God, but, I am grateful for a modality of healing that strengthens our divine connection that is ever present.


Tanya Thompson

Guestbook filled by _Jaibiarerce am 05.03.2013; 03:47:55 h

A wonderful experience

It was a wonderful experience to see the visual changes in the body structure after the "divine alignment shift"! I also had the opportunity to measure on some of the attendends before and after the straightening.
My experience during and after alignment: I felt an energy shift going through my crown in a swirling movement. At first, after getting off the table my walking felt off a little. I had a huge diffence in my hips due to a twisted spine. My muscles are still adjusting, but I finally put equal weight on both of my legs and that is amazing! Thank you Peter L. Manns for being the conduit of Divine Energy :)

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